Review of 'Devil´s Advocate'
Of course, I think so.
Nowadays, in the present society, it's something quite natural. Without a doubt, there are too many little 'devils' which inhabit, in my view, in all those wicked people who aren't capable of finding true happiness and thus , for this reason, they enjoy hurting other people to feel better themselves.
That's life: sometimes too hard and strange; and we are inevitably too selfish and ambitious.
This is one of the main reflections that we can extract after watching the movie `Devil´s Advocate´, a very gruesome, violent and supernatural thriller -although with a certain morality in its story-line-, which was directed by Taylor Hackford in 1997.
In this film, Keanu Reeves (as Kevin Lomax) is a brilliant and young lawyer who never lost a case. He lives happily with his beautiful wife Mary Ann (Charlize Theron), until a day Lomax is visited by a powerful lawyer from New York, John Milton (Al Pacino), a charismatic man who hides `diabolical´ intentions.
Have you ever been a kind of 'devil`s advocate'?
In outline, this film is about ambition (BANKIA could be -why not- the closest example, and most of banks in general) and the price that we all pay for attaining our objectives. Also, it broaches questions like temptation and religíous enthusiasm, examines in a trivial way emotional unbalances in the couple relations and looks into -with pessimism- human nature, especially emphasizing its anxiety of vanity and greed.
However, and as its main drawback, this film turns out to be very very slow, and only its last thirty minutes or so are much better than the rest of the movie.
Finally, if only the whole movie was so good as its wonderful design, special effects and cinematography, we would probably be talking about something really important. Unfortunately, this film isn´t so good.
But what's the moral of this story-line?
Simply I´d like to rescue its brilliant moral at the moment so that we all can think and reflect on our defects and our enormous ambition, above all in relation to this dangerous and harmful economical and financial crisis, in which banks have turned out to be the main culprits.
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